What is the minimum head height for a loft conversion?

Ridge height easy check by Jackson Loft Conversions, Brighton East Sussex UK
Ridge height easy check by Jackson Loft Conversions, Brighton East Sussex UK

It is about 2.1 metres / 210 cm / 7 feet / 84 inches for a loft conversion

If you can stand up in your loft you are doing well. Don’t be shy, measure the height with a tape measure. The ridge is the centre point of your roof, this will be where you measure from and down to your feet.

If your attic loft is under 6 foot and you are unable to stand up, your loft conversion will struggle to pass building regulations.

Richard will double check the height of your attic loft on his FREE ESTIMATE visit to you.

For a FREE estimate and advice please email Richard through this contact form to organise a suitable time to pop round.

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